books fran has read

I read, I write, this is like a mash up

There are the book reviews – these are reviews of books that I have just finished reading. I am not sent these books. I buy them and read them. Sometimes I really like them, sometimes I think they’re not very good. Please try not to be cross with me if my views don’t align with what you thought about a book. I’m allowed to enjoy/not enjoy something.

Also I probably won’t go into huge detail about plot/themes/character etc. Occasionally a review might be the words ‘I LIKED IT A BIT’ and that’s it.

There are also read with mother reviews. These are books I read to my ten-year-old daughter. She will also give her input. It will be more insightful than mine.

And finally, there are lists, for the simple lazy reason that a list is a great way to do a blog post without actually doing a blog post.

No hot takes (should I do a Hot Take blog? Hmm) although I reserve the right to claim a hot take should my review come across as such.

Please select posts from the menu above to read the reviews.

As always, feel free to comment/like/burn with fire, I accept and gratefully receive all polite communication.

Thank you for your attention